Your birthday:
The date you have entered is an invalid date
Desired working hours per week:
Please select one of the options
What is the best time to contact you on weekdays?
Please select one of the options
Your details:
Password requirements:Minimum 8 charactersBoth lowercase and uppercase lettersMinimum one digitSpecial characters
As you’re under the age of 18, we need a phone number from your parent or guardian
Do you have a car available that you can use for your distribution?
Please select one of the options
Where did you hear about the job?
Was the job recommended to you by another distributor?
Please select one of the options
Consent and privacy policy:
I am aware of the fact that I need to be at least 13 years old to get the job as a distributor.
When applying for the job, I also give my consent for FK Distribution A/S to store my personal data that I have provided in the application formular for 2 years. The purpose is for FK Distribution A/S to be able to contact me if there is an available route in the area that I have indicated in the application formular
At any time, you can repeal your consent. The repeal can be made by sending an email at
You can get further information about how we store and process your personal data by reading our Privacy policy that can be found here: