See our videos about the job as a distributor
Here, as a distributor, you can find relevant videos about your job.We have devided the videos in three categories: before, under and after your distribution.
Before you are doing your distribution:
Delivery sequence on the route
Understand your delivery information
Normal set and NejTak+ set and how to pack your trolley
How to distribute correctly
How to mount the trolley to your bike
SMS og status calls
When you are distributing your route:
How to understand your bundlenote
More titles of newspapers
Distribution to apartments and if something goes wrong
How to distribute to apartments
What does the marks and signs means on the mailboxes
What is Bekey
When you have finished your distribution:
How to finish your route
The pointsystem (distributors under 18 years)
Everything you need to know about your salary
More relevant videos:
We have even more relevant videos for you, which you can certainly enjoy watching. Click on the links below:
How to sign your employment contract
Extra route – interview with a distributor
Upload your documents This video is most relevant, if you are an adult
Safety videos Safety is key in your job